Hello Podcasting
After buying myself a nice 1GB MP3 Player for christmas, I've decided to poke my nose into the world of podcasting. This is great stuff! I can basically add informative and interesting broadcasts to my MP3 Player for listening to on the move. Of course, I can also just listen to the shows in Windows Media Player without leaving my desk!
The nice thing about this technology is that you can chose what you want to listen to by subscribing to your chosen feeds, and then listen to it when you want to.
I'm using Doppler to automatically pull down the feeds I'm interested. This is written in .NET, and is a nice and tidy piece of software.
Doppler has a built in feed search, but in my view it doesn't give enough information about the feed. so, I'm using http://www.podcastalley.com for finding feeds of interest. This place has handy "Top 50" and "Top 10" lists, and also user reviews etc.
So far I've subscribed to the Dot Net Rocks show (which I love), the "engadget" feed, and "Software as she's developed". I've yet to listen to the latter two.
So far I'm loving this podcasting stuff, it's really neat. In fact, it actually makes me *want* to just go our for walks whilst listening to stuff, so I could argue that podcasting is even good for the health! Ok, I'm currently in Nassjo, Sweden, so it could also be the beautiful scenery that makes me want to walk 8-)
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